Session 9 &10: Dec 19th 2013 and January 16th 2014 – Preparation for our Screening

We are: Lisa, Sena, Gabby, Sarah, Sara, Dina, Iman

Time is getting closer to our screening date and the next two weeks is all about planning for the event and getting the DVD on point.

It was hard to concentrate at first and we kept getting distracted with other things but eventually we decided the following roles and order of the day:

Meet, greet and direct to refreshments – Senna
Refreshments (Dina and Iman)
music – operated by staff or perhaps Stevie (could you ask her please and to compile the music list)
Host – open event
Talk about the project and personal gains – Lisa, then Sarah I
Sara S conducts interview
Domestic Violence quiz – Gabby
DVD introduction – Gabby
Show DVD
QNA audience feedback conducted by Dina and Sarah I
Quiz result revealed and prizes
Certificate presented (do not tell them its a surprise)
Thank-you’s announced – Lisa

Busy planning for screening event next week.

Lisa, Sarah and Gabby practiced what they were going to say. We had to keep stopping and starting to take into consideration feedback from the group, DreamArts staff and Rene from LEAP. We just met him today for the first time and Chris the administrator from DreamArts.

We learnt about where to look, how to stand, breath and how to take our time when speaking. Anne-Marie said we should give examples and use key-words to remember what to say. With each practice we got better but it was hard to remember every-thing and control our nervousness.

Watch us practice!

We had to make sure the DVD was how we wanted it, so we watched the second draft that Abby had created twice. We laughed and made lots of noise because it felt weird seeing ourselves and there were some really good bits and bits that made some of us feel embarrassed.

Overall we thought is was really good, but we also wanted the following to be added:

– certain names needs corrected
– Lisa said that we needed more variety in the way the pictures appeared and disappeared, like fading, snapping and enlarging the tattoo.
– Sena said that the pictures if the key vocalists needed to be matched more when they are singing/rapping. Especially Sena’s.

Abby and Anne-Marie took on board our comments and Gabby said that there was much more pictures that had bern taken. Staff explained that a lot of the pictures/filming that we took could not be used because we either was moving the camera too much or taking pictures of things that did not fit or relate to the storyboard and DVD.

This is our second draft